Small animated icon of a speakerApollonian and DionysianSmall animated icon of a speaker

Crude pencil drawing of the two members of Apollonian and Dionysian: Ardor - who has short messy hair and wears a dress shirt and a plague mask - and Daria - who has long flowing hair and devil horns, and is wearing a turtleneck sweater.

Punk band from Hudson County, NJ

Apollonian and Dionysian was formed in the fall of 2024 by high school friends Ardor (it/they) and Daria (she/it). Inspired by online DIY lofi rock, classic post-punk and garage rock in all its forms, their sound is crude and noisy by design. They deliberately and consciously go down the "path of least resistance" in production and mixing for the sake of pure hedonistic satisfaction, shitting in the face of Nietzsche's proto-fascistic dismissal of Dionysian art as a sign of societal rot and weakness. Instead, wholeheartedly embracing its impressionistic qualities as a necessary part of artistic expression, alongside the conventional established Apollonian structures of popular music.

Ardor sings most of the times, writes lyrics, draws, and manages the band's online presence. Daria plays all the instruments, sings sometimes, and is responsible for recording and production.

Small animated image of a tentBANDCAMPSmall animated image of a tent

Core tenets of Apollonian and Dionysian

These are the guidelines under which we operate. These exist in order to minimize any barriers that might get in the way of making music, as well as maintaining aesthetic integrity. This is a living document and subject to change or overlooking at any given time.

  1. Every track must be panned to either 100% left or 100% right
  2. Every track must have a clipper with a threshold of -30dB
  3. Limiter with a threshold of -12dB on the master.
  4. No double-tracking
  5. No punch-ins, if it can be helped
  6. No adjusting the gain of tracks in the mixer
  7. The only EQ permissible is either lo-pass or hi-pass
  8. The only MIDI track allowable is drums
  10. No lyrics that provide too many personal details
  11. There's no such thing as a second lyric draft
  12. Thanks, and have fun!